Tuesday, June 21, 2011


(Text in English is below. Türkçe tarif için burayi tiklayin)

I am crazy about strained yoghurt. I really am. What I can tolerate towards the strained yoghurt is the home made yoghurt. The rest is really not something that I will get into my fridge if there is really no other option. Now, you may say “hello, the title reads ‘yoghurt cake, not your love for strained yoghurt’”. My husband brought this regular supermarket type yoghurt the other day. I have a kilo of strained yoghurt in my fridge already and I want to “get rid of” the supermarket type. I browsed the net to search for a recipe with yoghurt! So that I can use it and ignore its fake taste! I found this yoghurt cake recipe! Very well! I have everything to make it. My fake yoghurt I don’t have to throw away as well! When I started with the recipe I noticed that actually I don’t have vanilla at home! Or it’s well hidden in my little boxes with millions of spices, pastry products and stuff. Right at the moment I was looking for the vanilla, I saw the lavender oil that I got some time ago in order to try another desert. In fact, I am not a big fan of vanilla. Another fact, I adore lavender! In the kitchen, in the bathroom, it is one of my favourite fragrances. Lavender cologne, lavender soaps, lavender room odour, and lavender oil – I have it ‘em all you want! 

It is a very easy recipe and successful. I have to admit, I was not loyal to the original recipe not only with the stuff that I replaced, but also with the amounts. This recipe is quite similar to the traditional Turkish dessert called “Revani” and the cake is soaked in “sherbet”, a mixture of water, sugar and lemon juice. Despite the fact that I find Turkish desserts tasty, there is usually one big problem with the ones that you get from the bakeries or restaurants: they are usually sickeningly sweet! If it is a dessert with sherbet, then it is two times sickeningly sweet! So I didn’t follow the amounts given in the recipe to make sherbet! I am glad I didn’t! My sherbet was already sweet enough and I can’t think about what would have happened should I have followed the original recipe! (this should give you an idea: the original recipe said 4,5 glasses of sugar and I only added 1!)

Now, below you’ll find my yoghurt cake perfumed with lavender. Very chic, eh? :)

Ingredients (Serves 6-8)

For the cake:
Half a glass of sunflower seed oil (or vegetable oil other than olive oil, or 50 grams of margarine)
Half a glass of sugar
2 – 3 eggs (the recipe mentioned 3 but I had only 2 and my cake is still delicious hehe)
1.5 glasses of flour
1.5 glasses of semolina
1.5 glasses of yoghurt
Baking powder (a bag)
1-2 drops of lavender oil (not more than that as it is really strong in taste)

For the sherbet:
1 glass of sugar
2.5 glasses of water
The juice of half a lemon,
Half a glass of apple juice (not a must, if you have, like I said, I like changing recipes a bit)


  1. The oven needs to be preheated at 200 degrees. So you can start with that.
  2. Before you start with the cake, you can already take care of the sherbet. Mix everything together and boil on low fire. It needs to cool down. So once it has boiled, you can place it in the fridge.
  3. Mix the sugar with the eggs very well till the mixture turns white.
  4. Add the yoghurt and the oil and mix some more.
  5. Add the flour, semolina, baking powder and the lavender oil, and mix slowly but well.
  6. Take a square pyrex (small or medium size shall be fine) and oil it. Spill some sugar over it.
  7. Pour the mixture in the pyrex and place it in the oven. Let it cook till the cake becomes brown on top.
  8. We will pour the sherbet into the cake however we need to take care of their temperature a bit. The sherbet needs to be cold, and the cake needs to be warm (thus wait a couple of minutes after you take it out of the oven). Pour the cold sherbet into the warm cake and cover and let the cake soak the sherbet.
  9. You can serve it with cream on top if you are determined to gain 100 kilos more! :)

everything mixed

cake soaked in sherbet
cake soaked all the sherbet

yummy ending!

happy ending!

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