Tuesday, March 13, 2012


(Recipe in English is below. Deniz börülcesi salatasi tarifi için burayi tiklayin)

This is one of the popular meze’s in Turkey; served before the grilled fish.
It doesn’t include many ingredients however samphire is a bit tricky: do not use salt in the water you boil it as it is already quite salty! Aaand, there’s awn that needs to be cleaned (see the method section)

A bundle of samphire; washed
2 – 3 spoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 – 2 garlic cloves, crushed
The juice of ½ or 1 lemon or 2 - 3 spoons of apple vinegar

  1. Start with the salad dressing: Mix the olive oil, garlic and the lemon juice very well.
  2. Boil water in a deep pot and throw the samphire in it in order to boil them soft.
  3. Samphire has awn that has to be cleaned; so when they are a bit cool, clean them: hold them from the thicker stem and pull the skin out of the awn.
  4. Mix it with the dressing and ready to serve!

turkish samphire (glasswort) salad

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